Thursday, October 28, 2010


I remember I was in sixth grade in English class.  The principal walked into our class to talk to our teacher. I just remember it being really quiet and she suddenly got very upset.  She left the classroom for a while and our teachers assistant had us silent read.  When she got back she seemed somewhat relieved and she had a stack of papers that she handed out.  I remember reading it but honestly not fully understanding what it meant.  All anyone really knew was that we were getting dismissed early.  I later learned that my teachers husband work in one of the Twin Towers but he was fine.  Even after my parent's sat me down and tried to explain it all to me I don't believe I fully grasped what had happened until I was a little older.
This is probably one of the most moving and famous photograph from September 11th.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Weekend Photos

I had one of those weekends where I had to go home, I left my digital camera at school, and then I had car troubles so I couldn't get back until now.  I was forced to shoot film (even though I prefer film still :-) ) but my film got stuck in the C-41 processor at work and totally messed up my roll!  Even though it got messed up I still think my shots turned out kind of funky.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Why do people photograph? What do you want to take photographs of?

Why do people photograph?
To capture time, emotions, feelings, memories.  People photograph so they are able to save a moment in time.
What do you want to take photographs of?
I want to photograph everything I possibly can.  I want to photograph to get a reaction.  Whether it is confused, pleased, aroused, angered, upset, happy, warm, whatever.  By getting reactions from people that just helps me improve my work and move on to bigger and better things.  Today in class when we watched the documentary and the photographer had an awful newspaper review.  Mostly everyone in class had the idea that it is better to be talked about even if it is negative rather than not at all.

Major Influences

I am inspired by other artists but honestly my major influences in my work are the direct people in my life.  I find a lot of times when I shoot I get into another strictly creative state of mind.  I think I have always used photography as a way to express my emotions.  My family life has always been rather off but in a weird way that has helped me produce a lot of my work.

Creative Process

My creative process comes from all over the place.  The only way I am able to start developing my work is if If my mind is stimulated by television, movies, museums, others photographs, drawings, paintings, etc.  I find that I will get into "photo funks" where I won't pick up a camera or edit my pictures because I feel negatively about what the end result is going to look like.  All I need is a little creative spark from somewhere else that makes me start producing art.  Once that happens my mind gets rolling and I can't stop  shooting or thinking of new ideas.  

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

7 Deadly Finals

I kind of goofed on this assignment.  My pictures didn't flow together at all.  I tried to hard to be outside the box and do completely different pictures.  I think individual though I produced a few decent shots.

7 Deadly Sins Contact Sheets

Monday, October 4, 2010

Imagemaker as Flaneur

I had some trouble with this project due to a last minute trip to Pennsylvania I was unable to venture into any "urban" environments.  My setting for my shoot was in the garage of my grandparents house where in my opinion you will never know what you are going to find in there.  I thought I was able to capture the "spectacle of the moment" due to the changes that often occur in their home.  I documented my grandfather and his workshop that he has been using for over 60 years.


Orange is my favorite color and I thought it was appropriate for the time of year.